Nonetheless, it is there, and, for the time being at least, it adds to the overall package.Īll that said, however, there’s a downside to not coming off as a quick mobile refugee cash-in: it means that a couple of things that you might forgive or ignore on an iOS game seem like a much bigger deal. On top of that, the game has online tournaments, which means that even after you’ve finished up your career, there’s still plenty to do - though, admittedly, hoping for a long-lasting online community for a download-only game may be a little foolhardy.

While the (sadly unlicensed) career mode only has three belts to fight for, it doesn’t take long before the difficulty level in them ramps up, and you’re forced to figure out the strengths and weaknesses of each opposing boxer. Likewise, Real Boxing has much more content than you’d think from first glance. (Heck, even that awful Doctor Who game looked pretty good, and it was a terrible game otherwise.) The former is a testament to the power of the Unreal Engine on the PS Vita between this, Jacob Jones and Smarts As…, I don’t know why more developers don’t make use of that engine, because the end results are generally excellent.
On the plus side, it’s a statement about how great Real Boxing looks, and how surprisingly deep it is. This is, of course, both a blessing and a curse for the game. If I didn’t know that Real Boxing had gotten its start in the mobile realm, I probably would never have guessed it.